Helping new families right from the start!
Raising a happy, healthy child is no easy task. Just ask any parent! While some parents have lots of support and minimal stress, others may benefit from the additional support that Healthy Families offers.
We help provide in the community.

Need A Visit?
Home visitation services

Special Events
Special events throughout the year for participating families

Care Packages
Distributor of “New Baby Care Packages” filled with essential newborn supplies, literature and community resources

Cribs for Kids
Distributor of “Cribs for Kids” an effort to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (a project of SIDS of the Mid-Atlantic)

Parenting Education Classes Classes are held in Winchester and open to any parent in the community

Early Childhood is So Important
Raising a healthy, happy child is so important, but it’s no easy task. Just ask anyone who’s doing it. While many families have a lot of support, other may need help in developing healthy child-parent relationships. These relationships will lead to better physical health, emotional development and a reduction in the chances for abuse or neglect.
“There is no greater insight into the future than recognizing when we save our children, we save ourselves”
All Services
Are free and voluntary
Home Visiting
Home Visiting is a proven strategy to help parents be their child’s first and best teachers so that they can arrive at school healthy, prepared to learn and be successful in life. More than 85% of a child’s brain is developed by the time they begin kindergarten and we don’t get a “do-over.”